Lift Your Moving Marketing

#16 Top 7 Best Uses for ChatGTP

Christina Hawkins Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode of "Lift Your Moving Marketing," we uncover the top five uses of ChatGPT to boost lead generation for moving companies. Discover how personalized support, automated FAQs, tailored marketing, content creation, and feedback analysis can transform your marketing strategy. Tune in to learn how to leverage AI technology to elevate your moving business.

Thanks for catching the Lift Your Moving Marketing podcast. THE show for moving businesses. Christina has 25+ years in the digital marketing industry and spent 10 years in Logistics as part of the Defense Department.

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Hey, everyone. Welcome back to lift your moving marketing and the podcast where we're all about giving you actionable strategies and insights to elevate your moving business. Today we're going to dive into ChatGTP and how it can be a game changer. And how you interact with your customers and how you use it for lead generation and the moving industry. We're going to unpack seven ways that you can use this tool to make a difference in your marketing. So let's dive in. Kicking things off, let's talk about using chat GPT for customer support. Imagine a future where customers land on your site, full of questions about you're moving services. With chat GPT. And connecting it to a chat bot tool. They're greeted on the spot where their questions are answered seamlessly, guiding them closer and closer to booking with you. It's almost acting as if your sales person. This isn't just about convenience. It's really about making a customer feel seen and understood from that very first click. Now I have to say, I've seen this in action. It is not for the faint of heart. It does take a lot of training. It is at this point a little expensive, depending on where your revenue is and where you're at with your sales team, but it is coming. And it is something to keep an eye out for. The second way that you can use ChatGTP is with automating your FAQ's. Moving is stressful, right? So people have dozens and dozens of questions. Chat GPT can be there kind of 24 7 on your site or on your socials answering burning questions. Like how do I pack my dishes? What does the insurance cover? And again, back to the chat bot tool. These are the kinds of things that can help answer those questions. It's about being there when they need you the most without really kind of overwhelming your team. You can give your team the opportunity to make the actual phone calls. Number three would be tailored marketing messages. With insights drawn from customer interactions ChatGTP can help you craft emails. It's kind of about talking directly to their needs, making every message I feel like it's just for them and that's how you can turn interest into action. Number four would be generating content. Keeping up with your blog or your newsletter fresh within engaging content is it's not easy. It's time consuming. And this is where chat GPT can really help you out. You can kind of whip up some articles, moving tips. Industry news. Now I would say. Take that with a grain of salt, I have seen some really, really bad articles where they just let chat GPT, write it without any editing. I would say use it as a tool, like any other tool as a guide. Create the outline, have it create an outline and then have you write it or kick it off in some manner, but you really need to take that content. Make sure it's your voice. People can tell. Google could tell that it's AI generated. If you're not careful, you can be banned. I've recently, this is I'm doing this now in. Um, March and just recently, Google came out with a update, which blocked and de-indexed many sites that were abusing chat GPT. The fifth one I would say is customer feedback analysis. Post-move feedback is a gold. This is your opportunity. After the move, you get feedback, you get some, you know, information on maybe how we can improve the next time. ChatGTP can help streamline this, analyzing the feedback to highlight what's working. And what's what. You know, what could be better? It's about using real customer driven insights to refine your services and where you can kind of deliver the next time. It can be a better experience, but what you do is you take the feedback, you import it into a chat DPT response. You give it some parameters. You say. And I'm not saying one piece of feedback you would take maybe a month's worth or a quarters worth of feedback and upload it. Give it into a table and ask it to analyze it and give you the top three recommendations based on the feedback. The sixth opportunity to use chat GPT would be to respond to reviews. We do this all the time. Some of them you might have one star, a two star and you kind of get emotional about it. So if you give the review into chat, chippy tea, ask it to give you a professional uh, response. It can at least give you something that is unemotional and then thereby, you can then edit so that it sounds more like it came from you. For the three, four and five stars for sure. Use it to properly think them. Make sure to give it parameters like, location-based keywords, moving keywords. Thank you for your review, Sarah, on your residential home, moving service that we did for you recently. You know, and just kind of have it. Incorporate some of those key phrases. The seventh would be to create social media posts as well as using a tool like, um, There's mid journey is my favorite. It's a little complicated to use, but once you're in there, it. And you understand the prompts. It can be helpful. Be careful. It will spit out a hundred emojis. And it will look like a ChatGTP response. So again, use it as a tool. Give it some the right parameters and refine it. It'll give you an answer. But the answer is may, may not be perfect. Ask it to refine it. You shorten it, remove the hyperbole, remove. Some of the words that just aren't in your vernacular and redo it. So it's really all about you training the tool. And giving it better instructions to get you a better outcome, but I would say just for the regular holiday posts. Re, uh, um, you know, Moving day posts, feedback posts, those types of things as that's. That's great. And you can probably generate, you know, 50 social media posts that you can kind of have ready for the whole year in about an hour or two hours work, but don't forget this again is a very unpersonal. So I would incorporate some photos in these of the team and maybe again, do some editing to make sure it has your voice, your brand, your message in there,. Which again, you can train, chat, GPT to do this, but you're going to have to get very good at it. And make sure that you are using the right prompts. To sum this up, ChatGTP. It is a tool. But it can be a game changer for the moving industry. I'm not even, I didn't even go into kind of the operational side of chat GPT. This is more from marketing. But you can enhance your customer support. You can power up your social media game. You can get you a better response or better professional review responses. And, but again, with ChatGTP, I would take some time with it, learn how to use it, learn how to use the right prompts to get the most out of it. Thank you for turning into lift. You're moving marketing and remember, when this journey of moving, it's the connections we make and the experiences recreate that truly, truly move people. Keeps striving, keep innovating and let's transform the moving business together. And I'll catch you on the next episode.