This is a replay of my last webinar. Join me for a captivating and engaging webinar focusing on turning your website into a magnet for customer conversions. This session has actionable strategies and insights to enhance your website's conversion potential.
Thanks for catching the Lift Your Moving Marketing podcast. THE show for moving businesses. Christina has 25+ years in the digital marketing industry and spent 10 years in Logistics as part of the Defense Department.
Get Your FREE Lead Flow Acceleration Session! Learn how Moving Marketing Results can get your phones ringing off the hook with calls from people searching online for moving companies in your area.
FREE Ultimate Digital Marketing Checklist for Movers. Unlock the Full Potential of Your Moving Business with Proven Digital Marketing Strategies
How to Convert Your Existing Website From an Online Brochure to a Lead Generation Engine and Get 3X More Leads and Calls
This is a replay of my last webinar. Join me for a captivating and engaging webinar focusing on turning your website into a magnet for customer conversions. This session has actionable strategies and insights to enhance your website's conversion potential.
Thanks for catching the Lift Your Moving Marketing podcast. THE show for moving businesses. Christina has 25+ years in the digital marketing industry and spent 10 years in Logistics as part of the Defense Department.
Get Your FREE Lead Flow Acceleration Session! Learn how Moving Marketing Results can get your phones ringing off the hook with calls from people searching online for moving companies in your area.
FREE Ultimate Digital Marketing Checklist for Movers. Unlock the Full Potential of Your Moving Business with Proven Digital Marketing Strategies
How to Convert Your Existing Website From an Online Brochure to a Lead Generation Engine and Get 3X More Leads and Calls
Hello there, we're going to wait for folks to show up. Hi there. Hi, how are you? Can you hear me? I can. Oh, glad to see you. I'm glad to see you too. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Nice to see another female. Thank you. I've been saw the email today I've been having before, but then I was like, I never look at it until today. I was like, okay, you need to sign today to get on time. You're like, Oh, I'll be there on time. Wait, where does it start? I was like confused with the time. I was like one hour early here. I do the same thing. I, I got some California clients and. I get that when I get messed up. I, I'm, I get, wait, is it two or is it three? And I used to live in Arizona when they don't, they don't have it. Really? Yeah, they don't have time zone changes, which, which says a lot that we don't, we need it. I mean, that time zones, but, um, you know, the back one forward. You know, the doing the job and everything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they don't change. It could be too hard. Yeah, like I was like looking for the time and I was like, I am in the north right now. Yeah. What is the exact time? Is it going to be tomorrow? I was like, it's going to be tomorrow, maybe in the morning. Yeah. All right. Where are you? You said the East Coast? So, no, I am here in Virginia. Okay. So, I'm here. That's why, but the time change. It's like, Like we use like one hour. I mean, I have one hour before, so you have one more hour, right? So that's why it changed the time because I was in the zoom on the film meeting, and then the time was like, is why, like, charging and they're not working. I was like, maybe it's not the time right now, or maybe pass already. I don't know, I have to double check because it should say like the time zone that it's in. Yeah, it said, uh, it was saying like 3. 30, but here was 2. 30, like there, it was like 2. 30 and here was like 3. 30 already, so that's why it was like different time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yes. But we are here. Yeah, we're here. And I'm glad to be here today. That's all that matters. You made it. Awesome. So I'm trying to see the best way. Let's do this. That turn, I realize not, so I use Google, uh, presentation tools, but I don't like the way it rotates, so I have to convert to PDF and then it's just easier So yeah's fine. I know that it take time, so it will be fine. Yeah. But we're all good. So we got, and just so you know the. The way I run these, it's just like you have now, I usually just kind of, you know, it's really free form, have a conversation, I'm going to present, I'm going to give examples in this case, but feel free to just ask a question, like this isn't a one me, one way street here, I am here to help you guys and answer questions as you go along, so if I, if I talk too fast or I don't explain something right enough, Feel free to just Christina have a question. Yes. No, you're doing great. Thank you So it's only you and I are you gonna be so we got we got we got some folks are hopping in here Oh good. Yeah, so there'll be some others Okay, I attended last, last week attended a webinar for another moving company. I forget who it was like a, it was a virtual convention kind of thing it seemed pretty cool I liked it really good as they had smart moving there and so it was good to hear what they had to say so yeah and anybody. You don't have to show your face. It's okay. Yeah, you don't have to do video. It's okay. You know, if you just want to hang out and chat and just listen, you can lurk. I get it. Uh, been there. Feel free to put something in the chat if you have any questions. Thank you. Yes. Yeah, of course, of course, happy to help. So I'm just going to get started because I know everybody and so the way I do things right now is I just kind of, um, I'm going to share with you just the checklist that I have when it comes to creating a high converting website. I have the checklist I'm going to share that with you, but I am just going to open up websites, it's just I feel like it's just better visually when we're talking about website it's just just go to websites, and I am happy to look at your website at the same time if you've got if you want me to just kind of look at and give my opinion on it again, my opinion, but happy to do that as well. So I'm just going to kick this off for now. I just do want to ask you that you just kind of turn off your cell phones and your Facebook stuff and your YouTubes and your shorts and your TikToks and just kind of set it aside for a while. And just kind of focus right now. This is for you. This is your business. So I want to help you grow. And one way we do that is by kind of taking every opportunity to learn. And this is one of those opportunities. So this is my system here. When I talk about our program, it kind of starts with the website, which is what we're going to talk about today is a high converting website. But then there's five other elements to this when it comes to, you have six. Yep. Well one, and then five more management search solutions, which could be a search, you know, paper leads like Angie, or, um, I've had a turn. Hold on. Let me change the way this. Hops in here. Hold on. Let's see here. I don't want the Every time. There we go. And. Expanding your reach would be social email marketing. So you're kind of get beyond just people looking for you. You're kind of pushing a little bit. Marketing automation and some, which includes not always being the one to do all the emailing and the phone callings, but there are some ways that we can help automate email marketing, text messaging. Like you got the text message for me today. We can do the kind of the same thing when you have people looking to book some moves and then always the most important part of all this. Is is, uh, analysis and reporting. So always being tracking what's working and not working, which again goes back to the website, which we'll get into. So right now, maximize conversion. So website is the first one. These are just very clear methods to triple your sales. So each one of these gives its own element when it comes to tripling sales. We're going to talk about the website. You can convert two to 10, 10 times more leads. For visitors that visit your website without spending a ton on fancy web designers and fancy elements and fancy graphic design. So, um, I'm just going to talk about that. Everything that I'm going to give you is something you guys could do yourself. I'm not going to go into more detail here, but this is just another element of all the different points when it comes to maximizing all of your leads. Again, we're talking about your website right now, but all of these kind of direct into your website. I don't care if people heard of you and you do referrals and you've got People that are like a neighbor said, you guys are doing a really great job where I recommend them. The first thing they're going to do is they're going to go to your website. Do you always have this true? Yeah. So the first, I mean, it's, you'd be surprised. Some people say I don't need to have a professional site and you might be right. But what you don't know is how many people don't call you because they go to your site and there's something off by it. Now I'm going to go over cultivating that online presence. On your website, some effective conversion points. I've got a about a 50 point checklist on your conversion for your website. And then I'm going to talk a little bit about some methods to boost it. And again, I'm going to open up websites, we're going to just random I just found was a few websites yesterday, found him bookmark them just as examples. Okay. Okay. Okay, great. I'll do that too. Sorry. Derek wants me to look at one of his websites. Now, a little bit about me, if you don't know, um, I have been in the digital marketing space for 25 years. This will be my, God forbid, what is 25 years now? Is that the set diamond? I don't know. What's that's 50. I spent 10 years as a defense department, department logistician. So I was responsible for inventories. We did all of the, the movement of different, um, you know, containers all the way from the Gulf war back home. So I worked in DC, I lived in Virginia. I was in Northern Virginia for 10 years. Went to George Mason. So you've been, so I am in Sterling right now. So you've been around here before. Around there. You was, you was here. I was there, uh, from 84 until 96, but 10 years, I was with the defense department. So I worked at the Pentagon and a couple other places. So justition I've been a speaker mentor. I've worked with contractors all over the country in different formats, from plumbers to roofers to gardeners. And I've just in the past three years kind of been focusing on moving companies. I am kind of as MO for one of my bigger companies, a moving company here in Houston, um, Uh, I'm also the wife of a Marine Corps And also the daughter of air force. So I've you, if you want to know somebody that's moved a lot, I've moved pretty much every three years of my life since I was born. And so I can tell you from the other side, from the professional side, working as a logistician, but also from the personal side, from commercial to, I mean, you name it, I've done it personal moves, commercial moves, military moves. You haul moves, you name it, I've done it. So very experienced. I didn't own a moving company, but I've kind of this periphery around the, the moving company world. Um, so I'm going to move on. Some of the problems that I, I see is we've got kind of the, Marketing investment. Yeah. When we have websites, we spend a lot of money on a website and I'll be honest with you. When I get some folks that come in who are barely a year in business, I will point blank, tell them don't hire me. You don't need me right now. Go over to Wix, go to Squarespace, get a nice template, get something up, put your money into other marketing materials. As much as I want to say, your website is the core. It's the foundation of your marketing. If you're just starting out, I recommend just going. Doing as much yourself having a friend. Um, there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with a Wix website, a Squarespace. It's not gonna get you tons of leads and conversion in the beginning. But if you, you know, unless you've got some invest invested money I'd rather you guys put money more into generating the leads back to the site. Keep it simple. The other problem is you've got traffic, but you're not actually. Yeah, the right kind of leads. That's what I hear a lot as well. Um, as you grow, as the company gets bigger, as you, you will start having more of that problem regardless. But your website can help reduce that. So you get clear about who you are, which means you've got a low ROI. Which is not a good feeling to have you're going to have parked trucks empty schedules, which is, you know, not a good place to be so a great website is built to convert. And where am I here? Am I missing? Nope. That is its sole purpose is to convert people. I don't care if it's of a service page or homepage, a contact page, estimate page, a landing page. I don't care. Every page is built to convert. That's its whole purpose in being. Some of it is an SEO type of site where you might have some articles that its whole point is to get found on search engines. But even still, I'm going to interlink and I'm still going to have the phone number on every page. I'm still going to have a way to request an estimate, even on a blog post. So we want to consistently convert visitors and callers to lead. I want to fill the schedule with trucks running, and I want some momentum, I want consistent growth so what you do is you start, and you build on it. One of my bigger clients we started out about four years ago, right. Yeah, right at the peak of the pandemic, started out with them. new website, and it's just only grown from there. We're in the middle of designing another site every two years. We like to kind of re, re, redo it. If you've got an old site, I would say two years is minimum, three or four, you're going to look at redesigning the site. And let me go. I've got something that I'm missing here. There we go. Get back. Since I'm using my PDF, my notes aren't with me right now. So, um, if you're going to talk about today, what we're going to talk about today definitely is getting you to success where I just want to hear more phones ringing. I want more trucks running and I want business. That's my whole soul goal. That's why I'm here to help you get there back to the whole point. Your website is your hub. It is, it is what. People, like I said, if they're, even if they've heard you on a social media post, you might be directing from a paid ad, even an Angie's list or some of these other pay per lease like Google local search, Google local service ads, they're going to look you up. They're going to look you up. They're going to search for your brand. And just get that sense of is this the kind of company I want to be working with before they call you if they call you right they go through these lead these paper lead systems, you get immediate call back from 1015 different companies is what happens. So how are you going to set yourself apart? For sure. It's the quick follow up, the quick phone call, but at the same time, they are going to look you up. They want to know who you are, what your background is, your accreditations, and you'd be surprised you might lose the lead. If people go, yeah, they just kind of ghost us. Well, yeah, sometimes they just, they go with the other company, but they may have gone to your website, but we don't want to do, we don't want that to happen. So back to my conversion. Why is this so important? Let's just say you have about 500 leads a month coming in right now, we've got a 5 percent conversion rate scenario one, where we maybe have a 1, 500 average move. So that's only about 25 leads coming through book jobs, which is lead you to a 37, 500 per month, right? That's me, right? Not the greatest. Now, scenario two, if I just increase that conversion by 10%, We've just what tripled our, our total value for that month. So this is where just the smallest conversions. And again, it kind of, there's two types and conversions. One conversion is the marketing. They picked up the phone and called. The other type of conversion is they actually booked the job. So we've kind of had two points of entry here and either one they'll drop off. So we want to optimize both conversions on both ends from the marketing side to the sales side. So what are we doing here? How are we making sure that we're optimizing 15 percent conversion. And it could be the quick follow up real quick. I know for a fact that your, if you don't pick up the phone, you got about 15 minutes. So if somebody calls you, you really should have a 15 minute time frame to pick up that phone and call. So, you know, on a Sunday night, it just depends. What I recommend if you're not, if you don't have somebody answering the phones for you on the weekends, that you have some sort of system that they know that when they left the message that you will be calling them back, that could be a return. A text message that could be automated or an email that, Hey, we got your call. We're happy to talk. We, our office opens up first thing, Monday morning, we will call you. It's just the sense that you've got my information and I don't have to think about calling you Monday morning. So that follow up is super, super important. Um, which again, comes in from all coming in from your website. So to be clear, I'm not going to talk about SEO tactics during this Workshop. Um, I'm not going to go into location pages and meta titles and all that stuff. Pretty much when we build sites, they're optimized well, you're going to have the right content. It's going to be organized and performance that in itself is something you want to think about for SEO, but there's a whole other side. I'm not going to get into choosing the right keywords and where to put them and all that fun stuff. Now, if you want to follow me, you go to this link. It is. This where'd my link go? I had it all up. There you are. It looks like this. So I'm going to show that to you again, that link right there. Yep. MMR links. com slash convert dash checklist. This is what I'm going to get. Do you get it? Yes. Perfect. Y'all good. Can you guys give me, I'm going to follow the whole, can you give me, for those of those that want to say anything, just give me one. If you're, if you're following along, if I'm making sense. And did you get the link? Well, I got the link. Cool. All right. No one's. No, I was going to say no one's going to be. All right. No worries. All right. Let's see here. Moving on. Now I'm going to open this. I'm going to move this over here so I can get to it faster. Now this is just an example of kind of a before and after. And this is what I mean by always iterating, always updating, always checking your website, keeping it consistent. Keeping it updated. So this was the website before in 2019, and this was 2020. So, You know, it's not drastic change. It's just making very clear about what were the calls to actions. And we just, we move things around. We make clear the navigation got a little clearer. The phone number got a little brighter. The social media has got pushed down and now we're in the middle of redesigning again, one more time. The buttons are bright. It's the first thing you see, cause I really, really want a phone call. I'm not real keen on forms. I don't believe they convert as well as when somebody actually picks up the phone and calls. So I'm pushing phone numbers and that's why the phone number is super bright orange. It's at the top. We might even move it a little further over because it again, the eye goes left, right, and then down. So, but that phone number is bright orange and on a mobile version, it's at the bottom of it's just sticky at the bottom, which I'll, I'll show you. Well, I'll open up website soon in a second. So I'm going to ask you guys, what is the one element that will have the biggest impact on the overall results of your internet marketing? What do you think that would be? Because we're talking about it today. It's to be an easy answer. Throw it in the chat. I'm just curious. Or say it out loud. It's fine. Unmute. Totally cool. Put it in the chat. You guys got to help me out. I got to see if you guys are listening. What do you think the biggest element? Impact would be on your internet marketing. We're not going to, okay. Moving on. All right. So first off, definitely it's conversions, right? Optimizing your website for conversions. That's probably one of the biggest elements that you want to, one of the biggest impacts you can do with your digital marketing is making sure your website is converting. All right. Now I'm going to get into the meat of this. I'm going to start off with being strategic. I'm just got this list. I'm not, this isn't going to be fancy here. I'm going to start with strategic. And read through some of this list, but I want to open up as some of the examples that I have that to show you what I mean by strategic. So first is speaking to your target avatar. You, I don't care who you are, you all have the perfect customer in your brain. So when you're building your site, Always think of that person. Think of the demographics, where they live, who they are, how they spend their day. All those things need to be always in your brain when you're building the site. I know for some it's housewives because they want more residential. Some of them are commercial. Some of them are, um, they have a certain income level and a certain demographic. And I just always, always, always be thinking about what their fears are and their frustrations and speak to who Why they should choose you from experience being in the military moving was always done by me and me alone. My husband typically took off. He was already in the next assignment and I was alone. So that was a fear was, was packing up the house by myself. And then when I had kids, that was another part. So I'm always thinking about who are these people and you, everybody has their own niche, their own thing. We, I spoke to somebody yesterday and he's got exactly who he likes to work with. And he practically picks him out, he will say no, if he, if there's any little red flag, it's a no go. Thank you very much. Just because he wants, he doesn't want the kind of, he just knows who he works best with. So think about that as well. And it's okay to be picky, it's okay to have those people. As as images as photos on your website. I'm, I'll say it repeatedly. I'm not a real fan of stock photos. I don't realize I don't understand why we have to have a bunch of guys and blue bibs everywhere. Nobody wears blue bibs in the US, so always take pictures, and this will be part of it too. Now, get the basics in order your phone number is in the right hand corner, top right hand corner, all the time. Don't call me. Not a button that says call me. I'm going to see if I've got an example of that. See the phone number, always the phone number. The phone number is what you want. Do not have a button that says call me. And then obviously it might call on a mobile device, but, here's what, so we don't have a phone number. Now they might have a different call to action. They may not want phone calls. I don't know why down here, but if I come to a sub page, They keep the phone number here, but I'm I'm one of the always at the top, right? Because once I scroll past it, where's the phone number? There's one here, but now I'm down here. The phone number is gone. So I'm always just just the phone number needs to be the upper right at all times. Now, again, if I'm on a desktop. And I see the phone number. I, I have to click it and it will open up maybe my Google voice, but not everybody has that. So having that phone number visible allows me to use my phone and call. Most people are using mobile devices more than half, but you know, there's still people on looking at your site here. So always have the phone number, get your logo on the left menus at the top. I have seen websites with the menu on the left. It's interesting. It jars you for a second. So I'm not real keen on it when it comes to service oriented business. It's more of a quick, I don't want people to have to think where the menu is and what to do. So, um, menu at the, yeah, right. Footer with more company links outside of the primary. So the footer is meant for those, those areas where you don't want to fill up your top menu and just. Just with crazy amount of links. So this is where you can kind of augment that with maybe a careers page, maybe maybe your team page or something where you have at the locations page, you still want to have service areas. But you can get kind of the nitty gritty down here and kind of literally kind of list them out. But my point is, is that this is where you want to have all the extra stuff, the address. This is where you want to put your social media buttons. I don't recommend social media buttons at the top. You're almost asking them to leave your site immediately. So put them on the bottom. But that footer is where you want to have your text out license, any media links. Now the other from a strategic level. So make sure you're actively updating the website and actively meaning at least once a month, you're going in there once a month, whether you're adding a blog, you're changing a photo out of a team member. You're maybe updating some of the services, maybe add a service to whatever that is at least once a month, go in there and make a change. Is it easy to navigate. Can I find what I need quickly? So this to me is a little busy. We've got social medias at the top. So again, the first instinct is to, is to click away. And now what you just spent 75 to get somebody to your website and now you clicked them away to, to Facebook. And I guarantee you they're coming up here and looking at their notifications and they're gone. So let's not do that. Let's put them at the bottom, make the navigation easy. This is a little tough. Imagine this on a mobile device. I don't know what this looks like, but that's a lot to have to scroll on a mobile device. It was a super long, is it easy to navigate? Do we have a, what it's, it's a little tough. So just, I would kind of make sure that your navigation is easy and spread out. A lot of the times I would recommend get rid of the home. Your logo is always your home. And so we don't, it's kind of duplicitous nowadays. People know that the logo takes you home. So I like to be able to spread out. Easy to read the navigation and kind of get rid of some items and then just utilize The footer as much as possible Super long home page as much as possible. This is a little too much You might want to clean that up a little bit more. Consider live chat. I don't know what you guys think of what your thoughts are on live chat my Experience is if you're going to have live chat, make sure you've got people that are on it all the time Ready to answer questions The snow point and having live chat and nobody's ever there to literally live chat. Now there are some AI chats that have been kind of building out that you'd be really surprised how well they sound human, but I would say if you're going to do it, do it right. I've seen some of the live chats recently that, where was the one that, that there's this one here, this guy here, did it pop up, I think it pops up in a second. Is that one of them. I think three men in a movie. One of them was a, oh here it is. So, if you're going to do chat. Try not to use it where I have to have an Instagram or Facebook account. It doesn't to me it just doesn't make sense I get why they're doing it because if I hit start chat it pulls in my Facebook account and feeds in my name and I get a fixed Facebook pixel. But, My husband doesn't have Facebook. My 17 year old does not have Facebook. She has Instagram, but I guarantee you she wouldn't be opening up messenger. She's going to SMS text or, WhatsApp is the other one. So I prefer a chat tool that is, real time and it can, you can have that conversation outside of these platforms. Again, if something happens with your Facebook account, which it has happened, people's Facebook accounts, company, Facebook accounts get suspended. And now what? So I just rather have that separate, but if you're going to do it, be there and be ready. I believe three, I was looking at three men movers wanted to see what they did. They, um, there's pops up a little later too. And again, if you're going to do it, then there it is. So I get your name, your email and your phone note in my system. So this will be connected to their system, not Facebook's and I can have that conversation. So, of course, you know, we have live chat. I don't know if I fill this out. I'm sure somebody would answer pretty quickly, but that would be. Again, if you're going to do chat, make sure that somebody is there to answer if you got a weekends, let him let him know it just how well you're going to use it. That's kind of my point. I do recommend engaging via SMS and using some marketing automation. Matt and I had a good debate yesterday on this. He's not real keen on marketing automation. He likes that personal touch. And I respect that. I do feel that I personally feel that as you grow, that becomes harder and harder. So as you get a hundred, 200, 500 leads in, it's a little difficult to get one on ones. And so having the proper marketing automation, it was good. Cause Matt gave me some feedback on mine. So I'll go back and I'll make some edits and changes, but you can make it. Somewhat more personal. You just have to make sure that the automation is, is okay. SMS definitely is something I would recommend. We're getting, I know, again, I've got a 22 year old and a 17 year old daughters and that's, they live their life. That's how they speak to each other. Pure and simple SMS conversations. They Snapchat for sure. But SMS is that is the main tool, but the thought of picking up the phone and speaking to somebody is just terrifying to them. They're like, don't make me do it. So as that age group gets older, we just have to accept the fact that SMS is just one of those marketing tools you're going to have to accept, and you're gonna have to build that in. I believe smart moving has that the tools I use have that. It's just. You're going to have to be comfortable doing that. Do you have other conversions? Have you thought about subscribers? That's from a strategic level. You can get people, who are thinking about moving. It might not happen in six months and they might be early birds. So they're looking at moving companies. Those are the great, right? They're not asking for this weekend. They're giving you some time, but why not get their name and email and in the meantime, kind of send them Not spammy once a month kind of email marketing tools that give them a little bit of help. So I do recommend the another outside of just an immediate sale, kind of pulling in some subscribers and once a month, giving them some helpful advice. I do like the ultimate moving checklist. I see a lot of people have moving checklists, On their site as a person that's moved. I wouldn't use that because I'm going to print it out. So the checklist that we create our PDFs, and they're meant to be downloaded, I've had people show up at the house with it printed and sitting next to them is that checklist that they downloaded just a week earlier so it is a tool, it's all about. Building the relationship. You are the authority in this world. So how can we do that with your website? Now I'm going to pull into the copy content is next. So copy content. This is your text. These are your headlines. This is your imagery. This is the visuals, the content and the voice that you're going to have on the website. Is it does your copy literally unnerve your markets pain points after do they offer a clear resolution? And I just came up with some thoughts. Is this their first move? I mean, are you as you have conversations with people think about those conversations. And those worries and those fears, write them down, get the sales folks to write those down. Those are great, great topics for blogs, as well as your content, your website pages. Do, do they have children with them? What's the, what's, what does that mean? What do you recommend if there's children? Will they, would their partner be there to help? Do they have antiques in the house? How do you handle that if they've got big antiques? What if, you know, all of us have our automated. electronics in the house. I probably got five daggone TVs loaded up on the wall. Are you going to help me move that? So answer those questions. What makes you different? Think about those, those things that trouble their minds and make them worried about the mover that's coming to their home to pack up their most beloved things. So, do they have narrow streets? Do they have a narrow stairway? Is it a small elevator? So think about all those things that they're so worried about when they call somebody. Are you going to take care of me? Put that in your copy. Don't be shy about that. Again, this whole thing is all about you guys being the experts. In your field, you know, what needs to be done, make me, make me feel comfortable hiring you because you know what, what I'm going to have to have and the kind of people, the kind of equipment, the kind of truck I'm going to need, the padding I'm going to need to get to move my stuff. What does that look like? Put that in your website. Now on the flip side, all of that content, is it succinct? Are you clear? Um, or do you have super long paragraphs of just content content because you think that's good for the SEO. It's not kind of it is kind of, but really, the bottom line is you got under the site. Now what, now we got to convert them. Well you can't convert them if you've just got copy copy copy copy copy copy and I believe I have an example. Nope, I didn't get a sample. I found one that was. So I've got my C websites. Let's see. Is this one? Yeah. I mean, this, this is just, it's unorganized. I don't know what you want me to do first. It's just text upon text upon text and, you know, environmental statement. I'm not sure if you, if I'm going to read this or not, I'm not sure what the point is on the homepage. You know, we've got, I don't know what this is. What is that? Okay. Not sure. A little bit of about us. More text that seems to be right aligned with the stars on the left. Text, text, text. There was one here that was, I think it was their blog that was a bit of a problem. Might not be this one. Nope, they were, nope. Trying to find the one that had, it was just copy, it was just, it was just text all the way down. Could be it. Nope, these guys are organized. All right. I think you guys understand what I mean. It's just. Text everywhere. Make sure you've got some subheadings that you're breaking up the text. So if you are going to have text, make sure you've broken it up into subheadings. And it's a little again, we all know this, we skim websites will stop, you know, don't think that they're not reading some of this stuff, but they are skimming to the next section and we're looking at the one that they're most interested in. So, always think, keeping it short and sweet. And if I need to learn more, like I would have had a link to the packing services page from here. Again, one sentence, we don't have long, super long paragraphs, but there's still a subheading. We've broken up the content. It's a little easy to follow. We've got the reviews in here. So again, that's what I mean by breaking up content. Uh, I think this might be an example, another example. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's a little better. We've got some, some subheadings in here broken up with some images. Right, but still so it's a lot to read all the way across. I can't even highlight this. There's too much going on here. Wow. Okay. So there's a lot to, I'm not going to read this. It's too much all the way across the screen. So I would break this step in a little bit more with more subheadings on that. You've got your photo gallery. Again, this probably is a very loaded site. Probably takes a lot of load with everything that's going on and all the photos, but, uh, it could be organized a little bit better for sure. So here's another example. We've got a paragraph here. I know another one But I am not going to read four paragraphs. So if you give me some subheadings, I'll know what that sub that paragraph is about. And then I'll, I'll read that. So skimming isn't just just skimming the site and just bypassing everything skimming is finding the perfect information that I specifically was looking for. Is it legible? Can I read it? Not? Is it too tiny? Is it hard to read with, we've got, what's the one up here? This one, the very top had it a little difficult to read. It was like purple and blue at the top. Yeah. So see, this is a little difficult to read. I don't I could not read that. That's difficult to read. So all of this should be put at the bottom except for the contact us and about us everything else, maybe even the reviews would be at the footer, but that's very hard to read. I would wonder what this looks like from. Yeah, so now we've got, it's just from a mobile, it's just not going to work. So careful about how it looks. Visually how to read your content. We'll get into the design on this one. Are you using active voice? Do you have any specials or coupons that match the service that they need? So make sure that we're kind of. Again, conversion, is it going to, am I looking at specials for the upcoming season? Can I get discounts during the off season? So think about the kind of content that's going to just make that extra special oomph. Again, the newsletters would be some content to think about. Are you, if you're blogging, I see this a lot, blogging. You want it. Blogging to be done in the right order with the right headings, the right images broken down with headings, subheadings, bullets, links, calls to action. And don't forget the author. I think it's kind of funny when I look on people's websites and the blog actually has the marketing agency, like the company that wrote the blog. It's a little weird. You know, okay, we now, I now know you're working with, so the author should be the owner of the company or the office manager or the salesperson. I don't care, but the author is part of the website's authority building. If you're going to blog, put the author, you don't have to put the date, put the categories. But make it easy for me to find the article that I might be looking for. And they do look for this stuff. It is not only meant for SEO fodder. It is also, we like to use it for email newsletters. So especially on the seasonal times, you know, if you've got a Christmas coming up, well, how do you move during the holiday season is a great blog post that then incorporates to a social media, sharing all the different parts of the blog that always drive them back to your website. website. So, always organize your blog correctly, incorporate your authors and use relative images. It's hard at first. You were so tempted to use stock images. I get it. You don't, might not have the team right now. You might not have the t shirts and the branding ready, but as soon as you can start taking a bunch of photos, keep that in a drive somewhere, use that for your social media and your website. I just don't recommend. Using stock photos. We all, we see them the same photos over and over again. Uh, it's, I get, it's okay, I guess, from a target market, if you want a family that's moving in, but do your best to customize it as much as possible and do really leverage your team, your office, you should be part of this content, your story. I would also say, I think I skipped this too. When you're building your content, do not forget your about us page. Please, please, please have an about us page that really doesn't just say, here's our mission. Here's what we do. I already know you're a moving company and you're probably very special and you're probably qualified and probably do all these great things as a moving company, but I really want to know your story. If I look at most analytics, the typical pattern is the homepage, maybe the service page, the about us page. Then the estimate page they do go to the they look to see are you a family because sometimes and I've had conversations to people want to know the low are you local. Are you here and part of that. Are you part of the community. You can do that by having an about us page, which let me get, I do have that example. So here's one from shamrock. This one. This is there. I mean, he's got even a neat little. Old photo looks like from the 70s, you know, founded in 1975 is a little bit of a story here, missing some subheadings. I would also have in here is his team. So who's actually part of the company, who, who's going to be showing up at my house. You know, I would to add to this if it were me, I would have the guys in front of the truck, everybody. And I'll show you an example of what that would look like. So here is one of our clients, and I do like their About Us page, because they're very involved in the community. We've got, um, We've got, they do, they, they do a bike drive, a little, a children's bike drive. So they take a bunch of those photos. We throw those on social media. They're part of the community. They, the team always, they have a little softball team. They've got all kinds of photos that I can grab from the storage side, the moving side to the office. I can grab these and we can add these to the website. And the more of these, the better I can switch them out. And again, some people are like, well, my, my team is, is contracted. I just feel that if they're okay with it, I would still take the picture. I would still have everybody in front of your truck and take a really, really great picture. And I think, you know, I think it's Ox strong. These are professional shots. If you can afford it, definitely spend a little bit of money in professional shops. Try, try and do that. And when you do the shots, make sure you're wearing all the branded t shirts, get your hats. You got your truck is branded. Make sure the boxes we can kind of work on. But if you've got branded boxes, incorporate that in your photography, but it really, really helps the whole branding of the site. And it keeps the message strong. I think there's another one. Elite too. So they got their guys on here, right? So I just love this photo. I think they're all just like, they're so ready to work. Like, I just feel like they're like gung ho. But , it's a simple photo. I don't know. They might be contractors, you know, I don't know, but they're all look like they're a unit and a team. So I need that kind of about us, that kind of content on your site that really pushes the brand and pushes the team and the company culture. It also, I have to also tell you, it is very helpful when you're looking for moving people, people to help you move and be part of the team. It does, you know, it lends itself to that, especially the. The guys that are willing to stick around and, I just, I just feel having that culture that team page helps that side. All right. Talking a little bit about design. Keep it visually simple. Don't try to overload it with a bunch of fancy stuff. I see this a lot. They want the video on the homepage, which is fine, but make sure that if you're going to do that, it loads quickly. Here's, I'm sure this one is, this is power movers here. So this again is the power movers. This one was just not a lot of room to breathe here. There's a lot going on and I'm not real keen on the design at this point where we're shoving text in there and headings and all kinds of different fonts. I got this font that's italicized, I got uppercase font, I got this font that looks like it's bold. I just, there's a lot going on here and it's hard to keep track. We don't have any space or room to breathe so there's no gap in between here we kind of, it just all gets packed together. We have a lot we got the, I don't mind the images kind of expanding a little bit. Again, this is very hard to read. I can't even select this stuff I got a JavaScript you can't select. You've got, it's hard again, when you put the photos in the background, I know it's kind of cool, especially the parallax, but keep it simple. Don't use it too much. Maybe one, one page or one section you might want to do. We do it, but doing it for every single section is a little much. And then a lot of, a lot of this stuff, I just don't recommend a lot of animation on the site. Having it once or twice is okay, but with every element, I just don't, I don't recommend it. I'd be curious what this would look like on a mobile device, how that works, because again, 52, mostly 52 percent of your users are on a mobile. So always think about that. There's just a lot going on here. And in relation to one that is like this, this is the video that we see a lot and I get it. And I understand it. I mean, look at the team, everyone rushes up. It's a great visual. It's a great culture. But if you're going to do this, make sure that it is compressed enough that the site loads fast. It will affect your SEO. I would say on a mobile device, you can make it so that, that image, that video doesn't load on a mobile device. Again, I would use a video. I think it's cool. It's professional. We've got it all branded. We've got the logos everywhere. People are active and working. I do like the video, but having that video on it does take a while to load and that will affect your SEO. And I'll guarantee the thing too, is, is that most people look at this for about six. Three seconds and boom, we're gone. So whatever you've done to put everything else on here usually isn't seen. Then also make sure if you're coming in here. Yeah, so you don't put the video on the other pages, which is good. All right, which does lead me to make sure that the most important information is clearly visible and it's easy to find. Is the branding consistent? Is the messaging consistent? Like I mentioned before, on the other site, multiple colors, multiple styles, we got different kinds of things happening, we got different sections doing different things, different margins are different. It doesn't help a user, it gets a little confusing and overwhelming to see a site like that. And they will most likely bounce away pretty quickly. Just be real careful when you're doing fancy stuff and not try to do too much. I just had my 17 year old is on an art and the first thing I told her when she started art class was to not have too many fonts in the other stuff. Is it mobile friendly? I would say this is, I should probably move this to number one. So the problem I see is people get these websites built and they don't, they don't look at it from a mobile, from like opening it up on your mobile site. What happens? I don't know. On the website that we do, I'll see if I can quickly get to it. There is a button that we add do here really quick. Here we go. So this, I don't know if I can see this. Can you see me? So you'll notice that as I scroll that button stays always at the bottom. I don't know if you can see that. And then buttons at the top, very clear, easy to find the menu. Is clear, easy to understand. We try to keep it very succinct. I don't like having these massive menus. I'm just trying to get them to where I want to get them and move on. So always look at that website mobile friendly is the phone number always visible. And can you understand what the website's trying to do from such a small screen. Are all the elements visible sometimes I've seen menus disappear. I've seen phone numbers completely disappear, but then calls to action, the forms are difficult to use. There's too many minimum. Try not to add stock photos, avoid as many of the stock photos as possible. Like I mentioned earlier, I won't repeat that side. Just do as much as you can with your own photos. It's okay to use your phone. I've got the iPhone 15. It takes fabulous photos. Do landscape because I can't take a. I can't take a portrait photo and have it fit here. So do mix of, but more of the landscape as much as possible and tell that to your photographer too. I tend to get these photographers now that just do full on portraits. I can't do much with that. I can't create, you know, 2500 pixel width. Website images like that. They get cropped and you only get a little piece of it. So just be clear when you're using some, some of these photos, again, stock photos, use minimally, high quality photography of real people, places, and products. I do recommend taking the photos of your locality. Talked about this with Matt yesterday. When you take a photo with your phone, it's geo tagged and that is a part of your SEO strategy is to have geo tagged images with the right image name. So when you do upload it, if you've got for for us, we would upload a Houston residential mover and maybe a descriptor of the photo dot JPG. So don't upload IMG underscore four or five two from what your iPhone might've created for you. Redo that name so that it has a proper name, a proper alt tag, and it's geo tagged. Then use that same photo on your Google business profile, but try and take the locality photos, try and take pictures. If you're in, if you're in the suburbs or the, or like New Jersey, take the pictures of your truck in New Jersey, driving around parked, unloading in your locality. If you're doing local, if you're doing national, obviously, but if you're trying to get more local business, take the photos of the local areas. Here in Houston. It's pretty big, pretty wide. You can take an hour to get just to the north of Houston, but we'll do the woodlands, and we'll do Sugar Land, which is again about an hour's difference, but one moving company will do all, but we will, we will take photos of woodlands, we'll take photos in the Sugar Land, we'll take photos in Katy, we'll take photos in Pearl Land, of them in these different locations for the geotech, but not only that, but from a design standpoint, I want people to feel like they're here. This isn't a national Van Lines company. This is a local company and they work in my community. So does your banner and header guide attention to the most important elements? Which one was it that had too much going on when you first loaded it? Where did he go? This could be one of them. We got a lot going on. I think this is not loaded at first. Where did he go? Sorry guys, I kind of get overwhelmed. There's so many sites I look at on a daily basis. Where's the, where's the busy one? Here's one that bothered me. I don't know what you want me to do next. Do you want local office or toll free? Which one do you want? Do you want me to call the 713 number or this number? Yeah, Daniel, I will. Let me, let me get through this. I'm almost through it. So forms versus calls, decide your best converting tool. Is it a form or a phone call? I believe it's a phone call, but you guys might be different. Ensure that there is a web form that customers can fill out and ask one or two qualifying questions. Make sure you're asking, you know, is this pack only is this move only is this, you know, just ask those kinds of questions in the forum but don't get too complicated. I think the more the bigger the less likely they're going to finish it. Only absolutely fields hierarchy, visually simple, try not to have multiple columns and, you know, different, a whole bunch of sections that take up an entire page, be very clear. And I do want to also mention that you want to have a proper thank you page. And when I fill out my form, I need to feel like I have completed, completed something, not just a little message that says, thank you. I want a landing page, a thank you page with a video. Here's what to expect next. You're going to hear from one of our salespeople. So proper thank you page. I'm going to stop for a second because you know Daniel had a good point. Do you guys are you guys following along with me where are you guys in all this, you can unmute. Yeah, I'm following along. I'm just taking my notes. I'm also just trying to like understand, but the whole video concept, like incorporating videos in the, uh, basically in the website. I think that's a very good idea since, I thought about it and our competitors. They also have like a bunch of video, like they have rebranded and like, they use videos way too much. And now that I, now that I know about it, I feel like we're kind of missing out on that opportunity. So yeah, we're definitely, this is, this is something to think about to add to our website. So thank you. You're welcome. Yeah. And I would also recommend uh, you, you need to be comfortable in front of the camera and talking to people on the video. It's either you or somebody else in the business. But the best person is you and just kind of take that, take that responsibility on and maybe once or twice a month, create a video. I would even post it on social media as much as possible. But yeah, use as much of the video as possible, which again moves on to the video side. But keep it short. People aren't going to watch anything over the two minutes. So if you have to break it up. So if you have a residential video, a packing video, you know, utilize that so you can kind of get a whole video sequence done in one day and utilize it for the whole year. I'm just kind of chop them up. I don't like animated explainers. Again, it's all about being Upfront and transparent, authentic in this world that we live in with AI, we've, we've seen it. I mean, I see it on YouTube all the time, these really horrible AI videos. And I think we're all gonna getting tired of it. And it's like white noise. Now I usually just pass it because I just can't stand to listen to this voice. So I feel like that's explainer videos have a human, you know, Daniel, you be on the video, you talk, it's you, it's you, it's transparent. You're the authority. You're the expert and be that person and try to have that mix of video. Like I mentioned, try and get testimonials. That's like the top tier reviews, try to make sure that we're pulling in testimonials, that one have video would be great if you're going to do a video review. Make sure you're incorporate incorporating that into the design. Try not to use fake photos. We all can tell the fake profile images. So if you don't have a photo, don't put a photo, but make sure you do utilize the ability to incorporate customer testimonials automatically. So if you've got Google, make sure you're pulling that in for sure. Because as you get a new. You don't want to be in there manually updating reviews. So pull in the Google reviews and every time somebody won, then it gets added. But definitely have a welcome video, one free service and explainer video, how to contact you maybe one against the competition, but try and use it as much as possible. I would also add that performance is probably people forget. There is a tool that you can use to see how you, how your website works. I just did one for works moving this afternoon. It's called, so go to page speed. web. dev. Put your website address in here and hit analyze. It will kind of give you a score on how well your website is performing according to Google. You know, the Google gods are giving you a hint here. If you've got a 63, it's a bit of a warning. We're looking at first content paintful is four seconds. That's really slow. So it's taking four seconds before something just anything just shows in the world we live in. I'm saying two seconds, right? I need something fast. So this is telling me these. This is blank here. Nothing's happening. And then finally, something shows. So you can see. We're got some issues. And this is kind of a technical side. So if you built the website yourself and you're using Wix, there's really not a lot you can do. And that's why you get someone like my kind of my company, where I know exactly what to do here. This is usually a JavaScript, maybe the image is too big. So just But it's going to give you at least a score. And this is the mobile score. And then you want to look at the desktop score. So desktops looking pretty good here, right? But Google also looks at the accessibility score. So people that have some disabilities, older, sight issues, blind, whatever, this is going to give you that score. So there's some things that we can do to kind of fix that. And, but again, look at it from the mobile, because most people are on your mobile, and then also your desktop. So a little bit of work that can be done. SEO is even giving you a score on your SEO. So that's You know, we don't have descriptive text here. So we've got a link, but there's no descriptive text for it. You've got, they're not crawlable, so we got no follows, right? An internal one is no follow. So anyway, I'm getting super technical. You want to make sure that we're uploading images that are the right size. People tend to upload the biggest version, and that could be 10 megabytes, 5 megabytes. That will for sure slow down the site. So make sure when you're uploading, you're kind of cognizant of that. We talked about accessibility, utilize content delivery network, that's so we use CloudFlare and it's so what CloudFlare is a CDN network. So you've got your host. And then you got your, your website, and in between, right, is the internet so people are coming into the host to get to your website but we've got some actually, we got something in between before they get to you is CloudFlare. CloudFlare. And Cloudflare allows us to add more security levels. We can block the bad guys. Um, some people slam your site and what we can do is turn them off. We can turn countries off. So someone like in Russia and China just have no business coming to your website. So we'll just block whole countries. And that's what a CDN kind of helps us do is from a network side, as well as. So your photos get distributed on different networks and they, it just helps download photos much faster images video. If you're going to do video, make sure you use like the YouTube and embed it, let YouTube manage the bandwidth and the kind of Visual the kind of player that you're going to see. So if you've got an Android versus iPhone, they have different players. YouTube automatically will change what that player will be. So just if you're going to do video, go ahead, create a YouTube channel, and then embed the video on your website. Now, last but not least is trust. This is almost the reason why you have a website, especially nowadays, when I come to your website, right? Does it instill trust? Do I feel like this is a legitimate company with the right kind of people? Do they vet them? Is there security in place? Is there a claims process? Do I feel comfortable calling you? And all these things that I've just went through for this past hour, all these things are part of that trust. Be real, have real photos, be authentic. Don't find photos with guys, European guys in blue bibs. We don't do that here. Do I use AI images? You bet you I do. I use MidJourney. I'll go to AI and I'll find some photos, but I'm really careful about the photos that we're using. I've seen people use it and there goes a third arm, there's a third leg, the arms outreached 20 feet. So if you're going to use it, be really careful. Again, I'm not saying don't, just watch what gets uploaded. It's, it's. I kind of like it because I can create AI images of real honest to goodness men who look like guys. I want to make sure that all of you guys who wear hats wear T shirts and wear the jeans. They're a little scruffy. You know, they're not this super clean cut blue bib wearing. This is not real. It's just, it's not, it's just not American movers. God bless them. So that's what I need to see. Um, I want to leverage social proof. So that means showcasing your reviews. I do want to make sure you use your associations that you belong to any awards that you want any community service that you're involved in, have all those on your footer. Do you trust factors against what I just talked about the associations that we that you're involved in if you're part of the chamber, are you part of BNI, you know, are you part of the realtors association, put all that stuff in there are you a member of the movers association, make sure you share your reviews on your website. Most of you guys do, but I would embed, whatever you can embed the Google reviews. Uh, as just to, just to keep it updated. And I think the last one is, clearly communicate your value. There, there's lots of competition, lots of moving companies. They all do the same thing. What makes you different? So the minute I come to your site, why you, why should I buy from you? What makes, what makes you different? So that would be the 51. Now, Daniel, hop up here. Yup. Yeah, we're here. Yeah, what's your website address put throw it into the chat. Okay, so we do have a few. Oh Locations, but we're just mainly I'm just mainly gonna we're mainly focusing on our San Francisco and our San Jose location So here is the URL All right, Daniel's brave. He's probably got a kick ass website though Okay Oh, so basically, yeah, this is not like our landing page. Can you just Google like A to B movers? So because this is like a, if we are having like a direct quote, we go to that exact page. But if it's just A to B movers yeah, this one, San Jose. Which the third one. So movers, San Jose, California. Okay. Okay. You got me confused here for a second. So why is this not your homepage? Uh, because we have just tried making like basically get up, get as much data from a lot of sources as we can. And one of our sources is basically setting a client, a branded link with a quote. And this is precisely like what we do. However, it does not affect our CEO. And if you just click on the logo in the top left, it will just basically send it over to the client. Okay, so this is your homepage right now. It's it's like it's your homepage is redirecting to the quote. Okay. So I was not aware of that. Okay. I'll have to ask my programmer. Uh, however, can you go back and just yeah, we're planning to, we, we were planning from the beginning to for like this to be our homepage, but yeah, this is like the thing that we want clients to see when they, basically go to our website from Google. So what do you think makes this? Somebody think you're special that you're different from another San Jose company. Well, now that I heard a lot about what you had to say, not a lot, but basically I just think that this is like a, it's pretty simple. We, we, yeah. That's going to be your distinguishing factor right here. They're going to look at that and they're going to make a complete decision based on that. And then either keep going on or they're just going to price shop immediately. Cause that's what you've distinguished yourself as. This is what makes us different is our price per hour. You're going up price period. Yeah. And that's precisely what, uh, basically, yeah, we were thinking about, uh, making like a landing page with a quote, like form on the right, and this is what we had until like last month where we started to like have a clearly another link for the form, but right now, yeah, we're more, we're more focusing on giving the client information about us straight away. So, oh, and don't. Yeah, here's a little QA probably want to do. And is this an image. Yeah, this is always embed your Google Map here. If you've got a San Jose location, this should be your Google business profile right here. It shouldn't be an image. Try and connect the two. Cause then I can click here and it'll open up the bigger map and I can, yeah. Right. Definitely do that from a, on their contact page, but, and this is what I mean by like stock photos, cause I've, this, this is on everybody's website. All of these, it's just the same pictures everywhere. Yeah. And we do have like better photos of like our customers and our movers, and we probably would have to post those ones. Yes, I would for sure because this to me doesn't give me a lot of trust that you're a fly by night company, because there's, you just, you rented a truck, and which it could be your truck I don't know, you might have rented the truck, I don't, you know, that's okay. But you're, you're going off by price. So 129, I don't know what the average is in San Jose, what the, you know, what's considered high and low, but immediately you're going to be right on price. So it's not the brand, your company, isn't going to be the thing that they're going to remember, it's going to be this. And I'm from a marketer standpoint. I just don't believe that's the way to start the relationship. You want to start with you are the best movers in San Jose because, right? So this is good. You got your reviews in there. I don't know if they're tied. And I'm sorry, uh, basically, yeah, I have just asked my, uh, the guy who's actually responsible for the website. He says that we are building it and I don't want to be, and I don't want to take a lot of your time, but can I just, uh, give you another, like, uh, website for it? I don't want you to like to take a lot of your time, but just a first look and tell me what you think. So for another location, well, this one's better. This is a little better, but it's, well, it's the same content. Oh yeah. With the four? Yeah. Just on a sub page. Yeah. Okay. So you are kind of doing it by price. Okay. Catch rate. So if I moving estimator, where's my? What's my moving estimator. That's an estimate to get a move. What's so when I think of a moving estimator, it's a calculator. You're going to, you're going to, I can put some numbers and you're going to immediately give me an estimate, but that's not what that's your, I have to fill this out, right, and then you're going to call me back with an estimate. Yeah. I would call this something different. It's not an estimator. You're going to get me a free quote or free estimate. But again, we're kind of, again, we're missing, we're missing the transparency and who you are. So where's your about, let's look at your about page. Our company, we passed, we passed California public utility and mover screening qualification process, and you're fully. So yeah, I would, those are good highlights. But I still need to know who you guys are. It's great. You've got everything in here. That's again, trust factor for sure. Uh, but I, I don't know who you are. How long have you been in business? Are you new? Are you 20 years, 10 years, you know, what, who's your staff look like? So when I call if I, if, if Mandy picks up, can I get a picture of Mandy? So there's just some issues that I'm seeing with trust, transparency, and then just really brand. You don't have a logo. How long have you been in business if you don't mind me asking? We have basically yeah, we have basically been in here in business around eight years eight years in san jose Okay, and and in san francisco. Yes. Okay. Yeah, I think at eight years I would have built That's enough time to build a real brand. You know, not everyone's, you know, it looks like you're a, to be movers with the period. Is that the logo? So how do I recognize your guys when they come to my door? How do I know it's your guys? Uh, yeah, basically this is like our logo with the green dot. We just don't, didn't want to like over complicated, but yeah, this is a low, this is our logo basically. Okay. Do you guys wear the A to B movers with a period. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, yeah, I'm just, it just from a, I just would,, I don't know. I don't know. It's not enough for as a memorable type of icon ish, a brand, a memorable brand. It's not something I'm going to remember. The name's cool. A to B. But from a design, again we really need to kind of redo some of the photos with the real photos. So And then we're missing your authority. So it looks like you've spent a lot of time getting your license and insurance set up. So if you can get those logos. Of all the different kinds of licenses and associations and all those things that you belong to, I would for sure incorporate that in your, in your footer. And then if you're part of the community, if you're part of any chambers or anything, I would include that your more photos of the team. I keep saying that your contact us, we're missing your Your location here. So if I Google your address, Oh, is this a P it's a PO box. Okay. But do you have a Google business profile? Yeah, we do. What happens? Let's do San Jose. Okay. There you are. So if I go click the website here, that's what I come to. Okay. So there's your guys. All right. There you are. Okay. Yeah. This, this is what you want to share with your name here. And Copy that. And that goes in here as an embedded website. Yeah. Got it. Yeah. It just connects it all together. And then also I can immediately see you've got frigging a 503 reviews. Congratulations. 4. 9, and that's just going to be right in center. That's the first thing they're going to see. So that for sure gives you that really great authority. But somebody's helping him just now. So. But yeah, I think other than that, let's look at some of the, just the content pages. I think you're good. It's a little tiny. The text is a little small. How are we doing with mobile? Mobile's okay. Uh, you know, it's not clean. You're kind of wrapping text here. There's your locations. Okay. So I'm on San Francisco, local San Francisco, estimate your move. So we kind of say this a lot. We passed does it screening qualifications. We kind of say that a couple of times, residential, but you know, you've broken down the content. You've got some subheadings. It's easy to follow. So the text wise, I mean, think it's great. I just, the branding I personally, it's just the branding that I've had. But if a problem with, and the photos, but yeah, I would for sure make sure that you're clear that this is always their homepage is your quote page right now. So. I don't know how that's working with your SEO. I don't know if that's affecting your SEO right now. But you might be in the middle, like you said, you're in the middle of probably redesigning. Yeah, now we are. Yes, we will for sure be redesigning all of it. Yeah, let me look at is this set up. Okay, you had an h1 there so that's good. Yeah, we were. Are we saying the same thing? Are we not? How much, how much is a lot? So are we, is this the same content for every page or just changing this local Belmont moving? Yeah, basically. Yeah, that's not going to work. Yeah, it's the same content. So this is just, it's just almost duplicate content but you're using the word foster and like four different paces that's not, you got to really. Let me show you an example. So blue walks. We've got our let's let's look at Katie here, they're all the same. Right, we got the Katie map. We talked about Katie. Talk a little bit about Katie. We talk about the school district. We've got some of our Katie reviews. We've got Katie moving storage. We talk about frequently asked questions. How do I find boxes? How do I move to Katie? Does your Katie location, moving to Katie, read about moving schools, move locks, you know, there's just Katie resources. So if you're going to have a location page build on that, make it a like a legit helpful foster city moving page or resource. Yeah, build on the content as much as you can. Is this. Is that a photo? I can't, I can't tell if it's a photo or if it's a, that looks like it's a map. I guess it is. Yeah, he must have some, yeah, okay, just really odd. You kind of, if you're going to have a foster map, make sure it says foster. Well there it is right there, but you kind of want to be able to click on that to go to the foster map, but picky picky. So if I fill this out, what happens? You'll basically be redirected and you'll be given a callback by one of our saleses. I'm going to fill it out really quick. And Matt made a good point. I really thought this was a new company. Eight years, I really thought that like you just started your business. Let me just, all right, make, make this a thing where I can put my date in here. Oh, let's pass. What's a good zip code in San Jose? Well, I'm just going to put it here. I'm sure it's it's just so so forth. Yeah, it just Yeah, it's okay. When our sales guys, they give a call back, they basically see the, like the zip code and if it's for another location, they're going to You'll be basically redirected to another location from Mars. Okay. So at least I got a thank you page. That's good. But I would for sure have a video on here. Um, and then with further instructions and say, contact you ASAP. I would say within the next hour, like get really specific. 10 minutes or something. But yeah, at least you did that. That's good. Some people don't have that. So that's a good step, but awesome. Uh, San Jose movers. Okay, there's your locations. Gotcha. Okay. Yeah, this is concerning me. But, all right, I'm going to move on to foreign movers. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Yeah, this was definitely helpful. Okay. Good. Or until you're a developer, I get it been there. So foreign movers, is this you, you're the right one. Yes. So that is the, so yeah, that is a landing page that we have integrated as a website. So we don't, we don't want to put a website because it's just. Makes it a little bit more confusing for customers. And I know that they just want to get a move done quick, easy. And they want to find a reliable moving company and through our reputation, through our reviews, they're already able to notice, okay, well, this company is a good fit for me because of all these reputations they have from the previous clients that they already serviced. So that's how we build it off a little bit through that, that connection and building that relationship instead of throwing information at them, be like, Hey, this is this, this, this, this, this. And then having them to figure it out. So we like to explain it through them over the phone when we talk to them. And that's how we tend to get our clients tend to build a relationship and continuously provide services for them in years of years of them moving around. Okay. So how do you get your leads right now? Just purely for referrals. So we have a lot of organic clients that find us through searches. And we have a lot of clients that integrate through Facebook or Instagram. How do they find you on search? Okay. What was that? How did they find you on search? So by organically, they just type in movers and then we are the number one company that always pops up through organic searches. So if you type in movers, and so if you're located in Sacramento or Rosa, California, which we are located in Rosa, California, which is right by Sacramento. If you just type in movers, we will pop up as number one company on that search. And a lot of clients just find us through that, just type in moving company or movers. Yeah. If you put movers in in Roseville, we will pop up. Because our location is in Roseville itself. Oh. Roseville. My family's in Roseville. Oh, wow. Yeah. Roseville my in-laws. It's, it's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the new, I would say the new kind of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles. Mm-Hmm. kind of. So what it's really that you say people are using movers. What? I'm just a moving company in Roseville, California, or movers in Rosa, California, and we'll just pop up as number 1 on the very top. Yep. Right there. So you mean the business, the map is what you show up in the map. Yes. Yes. The map. My apologies. That's okay. Yeah. Like, wow, you're, that's crazy. You have just destroyed everything SEO by having a page like this showing up. Yeah. I was about to cry, but yeah, I see now. That's great. Hey, good for you. That's awesome. Thank you. I appreciate it. Took us a while, but we got there. So here's my feeling too is I mean, I can go through this site and I would instantly just from again 25 years of doing this, I would be like, Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it. But again, if it's working for you, that's the thing. If it's working for you. Great. My question would be is why, you know, if I were to do paid ads. If you were to extend the number of leads that you get and you want to double, triple the leads you're getting and not just rely solely on Roseville on a map, I get the referrals, I get it, but if you want to expand and do paid ads or do Facebook ads or say, you'd have to expand your website. You'd have to have A page for residential moving a page for commercial moving or page for just labor only. It's working for you now, I would just like push back a little bit and ask if you want to get more leads, or if you're if you're happy where you're at. Great. I just think that. To me, unless you're going to start doing Google local service ads, are you doing that? Yeah, we are actually getting into the Google guaranteed part of Google. So we are definitely trying to get more customers and leads. Of course, that is our objective. I just want it. I understand what a website is for us to put information out about the business. So the customer knows, but same time. A lot of our clients that we interviewed that we've had in the past, we have hundreds of clients and they always said, well, we don't really look on every information on a website. We just go with the reviews and we go with what people say in the community of what companies they've used in the past and just on what company to stay away from. Right. So that's what a lot of people have been saying. So I just want to make it easier for them as well. And kind of like, you know, build that like, okay, well, this is what they are saying about this point, this point. So we kind of adapt that in the business. Cool. Yeah, again, I would just, you know, I'm always wondering how many people did show up. So you, the people you've interviewed are your current customers. So they are, they already like you. I would wonder how many came to the site and went, Nope, not for me. So that's a good question because we do see the insights and we do get around 100 to 300 people that go through the website. Well, the landing page in this case, cause I wouldn't, I wouldn't really call it as a website. The landing page, yeah. Yeah, so they will just look at it and then they will just put in a response like a quote form and a lot of them They they interact with it, but they just tend to be like well It's a little too expensive on my end. I'll see if we can find another movie company that could be a little cheaper. But if not, we might just go with you. And that's technically the other route that customers tend to do. They want to find the most cheapest option for their budget. No, I get it. Again, if it's working for you, that's fabulous. I just get folks that we, we double, triple the leads. Because we just capture just more people, and again, sometimes it's, we try and get past the price point. It's not about price with, with some folks, um, not being the cheapest, not being the most expensive, you know, we've got one client that his average is 2, 500 a move. And then we've got some people that are like, well, that's, that's crazy. I'm at 700 to move. And that's just, everyone's different. So if this working for you, I would just, I don't know. I would just look at it. Again, if you're going to Google local service ads are great. You don't need a full blown website. It's kind of like Angie's. You just, you just have it out there and you've, as long as you've filled out everything and you've got the criteria. Great. Again, I just look at it from a branding, you know, as you grow, if you were to expand out and do more. You would have to build out a full, you'd have to have a website, especially if you're trying to get in there organically past the map, and get more into like Roseville. You know, if you look at meathead movers and some of these guys, but, but again, I'm not trying to sell you on building out a new website. If it's working for you, dude, awesome. Keep it up. It sounds like you've got a really great conversion, a great sales process. You sound energetic. So it's probably more than anything is that your attitude toward the it is probably that's what a lot of them said. They say, we love your attitude. We love how you're understanding. You're quick to initiate a problem and be able to answer our questions. And you're always on top of it. And they love that about me. Um, so. I think my sales kind of just sells it through my energy, but at the same time, I wanted to know, um, what would you do, um, in this case? So I had this landing page, if I was to build out a full on website, what, what would be the most important key factors to put on the website or just have a website so I don't overdo it, if that makes sense. Yeah, so first off, definitely get that checklist. Um, I'll, when I do the replay and stuff, you'll get the link to it. But this is pretty much got everything in there, but for now, if you were to build this out, you would just need. One of my things and I just start in the beginning is having a phone number on the top of every page. And then the, the form, I don't know if you, I think I'm on your side when it comes to having a very quick conversion is the call is probably the most important thing. So I just feel like I don't like having call us today. I would rather have the phone number here. Because again, if I'm on my phone on my desktop, I don't, I don't know your phone number. Got it. Yeah. So I would change that, that little thing. But other than that, building out. I'm just one for transparency and authenticity. So I just really like people, you, your team, people at work. So I just really like building out a site that's just more community related so if you're in Roseville, I just want Roseville you guys in Roseville, being part of the community there, the team, and then obviously, just from a basic website. Breaking these down. You don't have to have a massive site right now. I just feel like at least a residential moving site. Why you? What makes you different? Commercial moving? Why you? I would even look at commercial moving or is it office moving? In Houston, it's office moving. In New York, it's commercial moving. So just double check the key phrases, but moving labor. Again, is that the right word that people are searching for moving labor or labor moving labor for hire? I don't know. Um, but yeah, I would, and then the call now and say, cause right now I'm on my phone, I'm on my computer and it's going to open up my Google voice. Not everybody has that. So just make sure you got the phone number. I do love this. I, we do. Uh, would we use other tools like this to to set up virtual estimates? So that's, that's a nice feature. I love that because people get reminders and again, it's an easy conversion, right? Boom. They got an appointment. Boom. You got a relationship. Yeah, I feel the same way. Yeah, easy payment. So things that make you different, I would for sure build that out. I would also include where are your, make sure you put your reviews here. You've got, they should be. I don't know why they're not showing, but we have an integrated, um, tool that just puts the reviews out there, uh, like a little, yeah, sometimes the API breaks. I think that's what happened. I think I got to go run that back and check it out again. Um, I would also, uh, incorporate some of the associations that you belong to. If you belong to the movers, international movers association. I don't see your is your license in here? No, we do not add it all license on there. No. Okay. So like your tech stop license and your certifications and the MCDOT. Yeah. Yeah. You want to make sure all that. And then your you know, just the basic, the homepage, residential, commercial, moving labor, contact page, and about page, just, you don't have, you know, start, that's fine. Start there. It doesn't have to be, you know, this. insane level of content and stuff. It just depends on what your goals are. If you're looking for SEO, you're going to have to expand the website. But if you're doing great with maps and Google local services, perfect. If you're going to get into Google paid ads, you will have to have specialized landing pages because you're going to have an ad group for Google for residential, you know, maybe you do a piano moves. You're going to have an ad group for piano moves, all the keywords, and then you got to land on a piano move page. So pretty much like a like a service tab that shows the pianos moving. And then when you click on that, it's just directly about pianos. Yeah, it could be. You could just have a landing page for it. So maybe you don't want the world to know that you do piano moves. You just want to have a specialized uh, for just for an ad, it just, it's up to you. Um, landing pages are meant for purely this to me as a landing page. There's nowhere else to go. I'm either going to call or get a quote. That's it. That's a landing page. You kind of do the same thing. Service pages is where you go into more detail about why you and the special things that you do and the packing that you do and photos and all that stuff. The landing page is like. It's again, call, fill out the form, schedule an appointment. Got it. So when they click on the, like the, for example, the service tab and the menu tab, and they want to click on piano, it just directs them to a landing page where they could just put in a. You could you could do that or just don't even have it on the menu. It's just a totally separate campaign. Oh, we have a piano move service page that talks about all the great things you do with pianos and all the pictures the past pianos you've moved or and then for the paid ads, you'd have a landing page like this. Got it. Okay. It's like go. foreignmovers. com and the subdomain isn't indexed anywhere. You might have a special coupon or special discount for piano movers if they order within the next seven days, but you don't want that on the website. You just want it just for the people that come in from a paid ad. Can you give me an example of how it would look? Yeah, let me see if I can find one. Hold on, we got one, cause I'm more of like a visual as well. I know, me too. Me too. Alright, let me pull one up really quickly. It's one of our clients here. Find him here. There you are. And Yeah, here's one. So we did one. I don't know if it's quite done yet. I don't know if it's live yet. So here's an example. This is, this is a landing page. You'll notice the app. Oh, wait, hold on. You don't want that yet. Let me get the right URL for it. I've done that yet. No, there we go. There we go. That's better. Okay. We use the moving up app is how we manage all this. So notice it's just, it's kind of like you're, it's just call a form, but this is beat the heat with our summer sale, right? I don't want this on the website. I want people to see this you know, and again, it's 2023. So we would update this for the upcoming summer season, but we will just, you know, stuff like you, we've got a customer testimonials. We've got, you know, why us? transparent pricing, top communication, moving services. Now this, this probably does send you out to other pages, but it's like at the very bottom of the page. And again, from a mobile standpoint, as I collapse it, you know, it's all this stuff says, I'm going to tell my developer to get rid of that second one. But, um, you know, it's it, there's no menu. It doesn't now I can click this and go to the homepage, but the whole point is, I really want people to stay here and just do one of these two things. Got it. Okay. We'll have a, we'll have a Google paid ad about the summer discounts and that's smart. That's really clever. Cause I do the same, but I didn't think of it as like the way you're mentioning at the moment. So that's really clever. So I'm like, it's special. I don't have any, there's no, you know, we don't have things popping up. I don't have things moving around. There's nothing jumping at me. It's just like you, it's just very clean. Here we are. This is what we do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And do this now. Good. All right, move on. Got it. What, what tends to work the best for advertising? Would you say? Would you say Google, social media, um, third party companies? Depends. It depends on your budget. Depends on your competition. Depends on the landing page. Depends on your ad. There's, you know, Google local service ads. There's not a lot. You just got to set it up and maintain the leads as they come through. Make sure you're in there every day. Then with Google paid ads, it's where do you want to add? How much budget do you have? Who's your comp? Who's your competitors that you know? How much do you want to spend on this? You can go 1000 or 10, 000 or 50, 000. I guarantee you the bigger guys are in the millions. Yeah, I wouldn't. Yeah, that is very true. Because the more the more you spend on ads, the more you get the results from the customers. I wouldn't say that I was watching somebody in He was a plumber actually up in Anchorage and he was sharing his Google ads and I'm looking at it and he's he's telling you must be spending 10 K a month. And I'm looking at it like I could probably half his budget the way he's organized his campaign because he opened it up and he was like showing like where he's grouped everything and I'm looking at it like. I mean, he must be wasting so much money. So yes, you could just pump money into this thing. Yeah. But if you're not doing it right, you'd be wasting all kinds of money and your ROI just go to, but you, but you know, the bigger you get, you just don't watch it as closely. So that is true. You know, small business, you know, you're a million, 2 million, then yeah, you're kind of watching it closely. Yeah, that's what I've been just doing. I've been just seeing. Okay, so we're doing this, this, what are the results, the insights, the impressions, um, who's actually reacting to the post and pages. So, I've been analyzing that, but I've also noticed, like you said, other companies spending a lot of money on advertising, for example, a friend who does roofing. Oh, that's really expensive. Yeah. Yeah. So, they spend a lot of money on advertising. They spend a couple thousand dollars a day because they do it by the day. For per day, the budget. So they spend like over 1, 000 a day. For the budget that they usually set. And then he says that tends to always. Cause an issue. So when I looked at his website, it wasn't really descriptive. There's no landing page. It was just like, Hey, just give us a call. And then the very bottom had a calendar. So I was just like, well, you should probably switch the website, the way it's presenting the customer's view from the first time, and then also I would suggest having customers always, um, ask, you know, well, I would change this about the website and get a full interview about him. So I think that's what he's been doing, but I've noticed that as well. Mm hmm. Yeah. No, I agree. That does play a big role. If you don't have a proper page that kind of gets direct to the point and where the customer can put a request for a quote or for a call, then they're going to be a little confused and they're going to just go to another company. So, yes, I do agree with you on that. Do you have 2 different locations? Because this one's got 49 reviews. Yep, that's our, that's the location that we are located in Roseville. Okay. I thought, I thought you had more reviews. Didn't I see you had more reviews? Careful of this, you can get, um, you can get banned, not banned, but suspended if you. If you don't, if you add extra key phrases in your title, so just be careful with that. Oh, really? Yeah, you'll notice that, you know, college hunks gets away with it. I don't know how, but honestly, they should be college hunks hauling and this is really shouldn't be allowed. You know, don't, don't worry too much about it. Just be careful. If you do get suspended, you might, that might be why, but sorry, we're going off topic of web designs, but conversions, but you're all good. Yeah. Anyway, I mean, I could sit here and talk with you guys forever. So, but I gotta go, I gotta pick up my daughter. Let me finish out real quick. Just no, let me get started a little bit further down here. I do have Just make sure what your top action tips are. Just make sure you walk away with three things that you're going to do. And, you know, I've got all kinds of free photoshoot lists. I've got digital marketing lists, a conversion list, all kinds of resources. If you go to my website under resources, most of that stuff should be in there, but feel free. I think, I don't know if you can see that. That's one of the links here. I'll put it in the chat and see if I can get it in here. So that's, that's the photoshoot checklist just for movers. And let's see here. If you want to schedule some time with me to get a proposal usually we just kind of have a 15 minute chat and see where you're at. So if you need to grow, uh, happy to have that conversation too. I do do a audit on our second strategy call. We'll kind of go into, into detail, but feel free to reach out. Where's my other one here. Another one is the internet marketing checklist. That's one. Then I do have the annual worksheet. Which every December and January, I have a webinar where I go through and help you guys set up your goals, your leads, your income, your gross revenue, trying to figure out what your marketing budget should be, but that will help you kind of figure out what that looks like. And then the other one is just kind of the it goes along with it and that's the annual workbook, which goes along with the spreadsheet and the checklist of everything so feel free and let me go back up, I will get you the website conversion checklist, which is here. And that's this one so go to town, download, have some fun. Thank you everybody for coming. Yeah. Thank you for the information. Oh, of course. Yeah. Just reach out, you know, I'm on, I'm on Instagram and, uh, YouTube, Facebook. So if you ever just kind of have a question, I'm here. So thanks to everybody. Appreciate y'all have a good one. Talk to you later.